Christopher Keyes
Don't write like Calvin


I have written posts for a few blogs, both about math and about my experience as a PhD student.

Learning Through the Ranks

Learning Through the Ranks: A Graduate Student Blog is hosted on the MAA's Math Values blog and edited by Jasmine Camero. My posts are linked below.

AMS Grad Student Blog

From 2009 to 2021, the AMS Graduate Student Blog featured writing by and for graduate students. It is now retired, but you can still view the archived version. I was a writer for this blog in Fall 2021; you can find my posts linked below.

Talking Baseball

This series of blog post style notes grew out of a DRP on sabermetrics, the mathematics of baseball. These are aimed at a broad audience, but assume some familiarity with the game of baseball.


Math Circle Lessons

As an instructor for Emory Math Circle, I have developed many lessons aimed at engaging middle and high school students in mathematics exploration. Below are some of my favorites.

You are welcome to adapt and use these, though I ask that you attribute credit to me in any written materials you share (e.g. if you write an adapted lesson plan, please include "adapted from a lesson on LESSON_TOPIC written by Christopher Keyes and available at THIS_WEBSITE").